Friday 27 March 2015


In Hancock there is a massive battle scene in where the villainous antagonist (terrorists) are attacking the police, meanwhile the protagonist Hancock who is represented as an anti-hero, try's to save this women who is serious pain. The villains are represented as criminals and dangerous, we can clearly see this as a stereotypical criminal would be wearing black clothes and a balaclava. Most criminals would also have a gun, which they have plenty of. The way they are described as dangerous is the fact that they have extremely deathly weapons that can kill people instantly. This doesn't bother the hero of the movie, Hancock. We know this because as he is approaching the women in pain, he walks calmly through all of the chaos and explosions like he is on a Sunday stroll. This shows that he is a heroic character as nothing bothers him and nothing gets in his way. A stereotypical character is someone who wears a costume and have super powers. Hancock has both of these. His superpower is flying at high speeds and he wears a costume that shows that he is a hero. Ways in which he is a anti- hero is that he has been in prison before. He also told all of his prison mates at the beginning of the extract that he "drinks and stuff." This shows that he isn't  the type of hero you would expect. When  he reaches the women who is lying behind a car in a pain. Hancock asks the women if he is aloud to touch her this shows that he is trying to help her but doesn't want to come across as trying to be sexual towards her. Hancock also compliments the women by calling her beautiful he does this because he doesn't want to upset her and annoy her. He also tells the police men "good job!" Although he does this rather awkwardly he s still trying to make them happy and motivating them. This is another example of him being represented as a heroic protagonist

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