Tuesday 19 January 2016


E4 is a television programme which consists of many popular TV shows such as made in Chelsea, Holly oaks, Skins, misfits and the inbetweeners. E4 is a British digital television channel, launched as a pay-tv companion to Channel 4 on 18 January 2001. The "E" stands for entertainment, and the channel is mainly aimed at the lucrative 15–35 age group. Some US imports, such as Desperate Housewives and Ugly Betty are screened on E4 up to one week ahead of their Channel 4 broadcasts. Its most successful broadcast to date was on 11 October 2010 when an episode of The Inbetweeners pulled in over 3.7 million viewers. In 1996, Channel 4 purchased the broadcast rights to the popular American sitcom Friends. The series proved to be very popular amongst the UK audience and Channel 4 acquired syndication rights and re-ran the series for another 7 years after the show's original run ended. In October 2011, contract with Warner Brothers came to an end, with Comedy Central purchasing the broadcast rights and began showing episodes from November 2011 in both standard definition and high definition. Now all episodes of Friends are broadcast on Comedy Central.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Pan Trailer Analysis

What type of Action and Adventure Film is it?

From watching the trailer of pan which is based on the classic peter pan it isn't your typical action and adventure films which normally consists of big battles with heavy artillery, helicopters and police. This type of Action and adventure could be described as a hybrid genre as it contains many elements of different type of genres such as fantasy family and of course action and adventure. This is weird has not many action and adventure films would be known as a family film, as action and adventure films normally contain violent scenes and graphic images, which is something that little kids aren't aloud to watch, another example of a family, fantasy action and adventure films would be films like Harry Potter and Indiana Jones.

What Conventions does it have?

Spectacle- There are a lot of moments in the trailer when you just look at the screen and think wow. An example of this is 1:18 minutes into the trailer and there seems to be a party going on with people celebrating and there are many bright colours such as pink, orange and red  there making it look spectacular, another way in which we see the convention spectacle take place are the flying pirate ships, in real life these ships don't exist so people watching the trailer are going to be impressed and are going to think that it looks amazing as we aren't use to seeing massive flying pirate ships.

Combat and Conflict- A moment in the trailer at 1:59 we see the flying ship flying through the sky and a big explosion occurs next to the ship, this is because it is getting hit by something, possibly a bomb, therefore this shows combat and conflict as explosions are going off and bombs are being used suggesting that a big battle takes place in the film between the good guys and the bad guy who is dressed in armour and has a lot of makeup on him to make him look like a villainous antagonist.

What characters does it feature that are typical action hero characters (or not)?

The little kid who represents the hero. You can tell as he is the main focus in the trailer and in most trailers the person you see the most is normally the hero. The way we tell e is a hero as he is brave and strong, when he spills his plate onto the floor ear the beginning of the trailer when he wasn't suppose to this shows that he is brave and will stand up for his rights. There is a villain in the trailer as well, he is dressed in armour and has makeup to make him look threatening and scary, he has really pale skin and black hair. This shows that he is a villain.

Monday 14 September 2015

Rock 'n' Roll Advert

2nd Design of Rock 'n' Roll Fragrance Advert

This is the second design of the Rock 'n' Roll advert. I have made some improvements to this advert, one of them is that I have made both r's in Rock n Roll a capital as this is how it is actually spelt.

I have also made both the top picture and the left picture both black and white to make it blend in better with the rest of the advert. The reason why I have chosen grey and black is because they are dark colours and the genre rock n roll is associated with dark colours as it is quite a heavy genre of music.

I have used the slightly curly text as most rock n roll fonts involve some curls. Rock your body to the limit is the tag line for this fragrance because it will make young men want to wear the fragrance as it will make them think it will make them feel like a rock star. It is targeted to 16- 29 year old men as this is most likely who will be at a rock concert as people under the age of 16 aren't aloud to enter rock concerts. It is also aimed at drummers as wearing this fragrance will make them feel confident about there drumming and makes them want to improve at what they do best. The target audience is depicted in the advert.

The shape of the fragrance is very masculine, we know it isn't a women's fragrance as women's fragrances normally have soft (No Sharp Edges) shapes like circular perfume bottles, but men's adverts have hard shapes like rectangles and squares as shown in the advert.

Thursday 30 April 2015

Lynx Homework

The range features a gothic black and gold pack design. Supporting ads, created by Ponce Buenos Aires and adapted for Europe by Bartle Bogle Hegarty, will span TV, digital, outdoor and PR activity. They use the strapline 'Get it on for the end of the world'.

The TV ad shows a man building an ark in preparation for a flood. He sprays himself with the fragrance, causing women to walk out of the wilderness and toward the boat, two by two.

Activity for the Lynx Excite variant showed the brand moving away from its traditional brash marketing style to appeal to a wider audience. The ads featured a slow version of Air's Sexy Boy.


Wednesday 29 April 2015

Lynx 2012 The Final Edition Analysis

The Fragrance I used was a deodorant called Lynx The Final Edition 2012. 

B321 Analytical assignment: A comparison of the representation of men in fragrance advertisements from the 1960s, 1980s and 2012.

The central representation in this advertisement is of a man who is like the hero of one the most famous stories ever told: Noah saving mankind and the animal kingdom by building an ark. He is an archetypal hero figure.

The message of the Lynx 2012 The Final Edition campaign is that when you wear this particular deodorant you will turn into a brave, strong and resourceful man. Not only does he create the arc, he attracts all of the women onto the boat and saves them from the end of the world. This therefore makes him look like a superhero. He is depicted as a quintessentially masculine man who can hew wood, build, saw and organise a gigantic ark. The man embodies many qualities such as strength and resourcefulness, when he is crafting the ark and is carrying heavy planks of wood and drilling wood to create the arc. His perfect physique is shown when his shirt is unbuttoned and sprays the deodorant all over his body. This makes us feel as though he is irresistible
to women and we can see this from the advert as the women give him the look.

I have chosen to compare three different advertisements that cover a range of representations: The name of the earliest is 007 (Print 1960s), the next fragrance is called Lauder for men fragrance (Print 1985), The moving image advert is Lynx 2012 The Final Edition (2012)   This advert is about the end of the world, it is represented in a very smart way. As many people thought the world was going to end in 2012. The final edition is inspired by the Mayan calendar which was set to end its final cycle on the 21st of December 2012.

The advert sees a young man building a wooden boat preparing for the end of the world. This is significant considering the story of the Old testament 'Noah's Arc'. In this advert they recreate a more modern version of what the company thinks what would have happened when Noah built his arc.

In the opening of the advert the music isn't particularly slow but not much is happening in the song you could compare this to the fact that not much is happening in the streets because the end is near.

There is a broken globe at the beginning that is split in half, which represents the fact that the world is about to end. The water around it suggests that the world is going to sink and everything will be underwater, that is why the young man is building the ark. The way they use the birds in the advertisement  creates an ominous atmosphere and creates tension. This is because when birds are flying in one direction this means that a deadly storm is coming. This therefore gives us and idea of what the advertisement is about.

Nearer the end of the advert we see a lot of good looking women standing next to each other in two single filed lines. They are all walking towards the boat but they are looking a the man because of the deodorant. This then makes the person watching the advert want to buy the perfume as it makes all the women find you attractive.