Wednesday 29 April 2015

Lynx 2012 The Final Edition Analysis

The Fragrance I used was a deodorant called Lynx The Final Edition 2012. 

B321 Analytical assignment: A comparison of the representation of men in fragrance advertisements from the 1960s, 1980s and 2012.

The central representation in this advertisement is of a man who is like the hero of one the most famous stories ever told: Noah saving mankind and the animal kingdom by building an ark. He is an archetypal hero figure.

The message of the Lynx 2012 The Final Edition campaign is that when you wear this particular deodorant you will turn into a brave, strong and resourceful man. Not only does he create the arc, he attracts all of the women onto the boat and saves them from the end of the world. This therefore makes him look like a superhero. He is depicted as a quintessentially masculine man who can hew wood, build, saw and organise a gigantic ark. The man embodies many qualities such as strength and resourcefulness, when he is crafting the ark and is carrying heavy planks of wood and drilling wood to create the arc. His perfect physique is shown when his shirt is unbuttoned and sprays the deodorant all over his body. This makes us feel as though he is irresistible
to women and we can see this from the advert as the women give him the look.

I have chosen to compare three different advertisements that cover a range of representations: The name of the earliest is 007 (Print 1960s), the next fragrance is called Lauder for men fragrance (Print 1985), The moving image advert is Lynx 2012 The Final Edition (2012)   This advert is about the end of the world, it is represented in a very smart way. As many people thought the world was going to end in 2012. The final edition is inspired by the Mayan calendar which was set to end its final cycle on the 21st of December 2012.

The advert sees a young man building a wooden boat preparing for the end of the world. This is significant considering the story of the Old testament 'Noah's Arc'. In this advert they recreate a more modern version of what the company thinks what would have happened when Noah built his arc.

In the opening of the advert the music isn't particularly slow but not much is happening in the song you could compare this to the fact that not much is happening in the streets because the end is near.

There is a broken globe at the beginning that is split in half, which represents the fact that the world is about to end. The water around it suggests that the world is going to sink and everything will be underwater, that is why the young man is building the ark. The way they use the birds in the advertisement  creates an ominous atmosphere and creates tension. This is because when birds are flying in one direction this means that a deadly storm is coming. This therefore gives us and idea of what the advertisement is about.

Nearer the end of the advert we see a lot of good looking women standing next to each other in two single filed lines. They are all walking towards the boat but they are looking a the man because of the deodorant. This then makes the person watching the advert want to buy the perfume as it makes all the women find you attractive.


1 comment:

  1. A strong base for your analysis: well done.
    Organization of ideas: move the paragraph on core Lynx brand message and values to the first paragraph.
    Insert a second sentence that explores how the representation of the man is created: 'He is depicted as a quintessentially masculine man who can hew wood, build...., saw..., organize...." Then "He shows his strength when he...." " He embodies many masculine qualities such as resourcefulness when he...." " His perfect physique is shown in his...." "He is clearly irressistible to women, as we see...."
    Proofread your writing (I'm= him; capitals like Testament...)
