Tuesday 16 September 2014

Duffy- Diet Coke (Advert)

In this advert Diet coke have introduced a celebrity called Duffy into the advert, this is called celebrity endorsement, in the 1 minute long advert Duffy is getting ready to go on stage and sing for everyone but she was then handed a Diet coke to boost her energy so she can last the 2 hours on stage.. She then rinks the drink and at the corner of her eye she then spots a bike. She gets on the bike ad rides away from the venue, she cycled to a nearby supermarket. While she is going to the Supermarket she is singing one of her songs, she arrives at the supermarket and everyone looks at her because she is famous and then leaves the shop. She then arrives in time to do her concert.

I think this advert was very clever because it will defiantly make people think that when you drink this product it will give you lots of energy and that you are able to do anything you want as quick as you can. A good example of this is when you are late to school or work. All you have to do is drink some diet coke and you will be able to run to school or work as quick as you can. There was a slogan at the end of the advert which said "hello you" This is suggesting that they want you to buy the product because they are saying hello and when you say hello to someone you normally have a conversation with them, this can link to buying coke because when you buy one diet coke you might bye another because you like it.

Alfie Wolstenholme year 10

1 comment:

  1. Who is the target audience for this Diet Coke commercial?
    Did you watch the 'making of' YouTube video as suggested? The message in this TV commercial is that Duffy is typical of all busy modern young women need 'me time', which drinking a can of Diet Coke will offer them in their busy lives. Duffy's lyrics support the brand values: "I want to live, not merely survive.
    And I won't give up this dream of life that keeps me alive.
    I've got to be me. I've got to be me."
    Grade C
